You've got to be kitten me!

This is a demo for our Katamari inspired game "CATamari CATastrophe!", made for the 127th Mini Jam "Cats^2". The game consists of a Cat with the sole purpose of rolling up everything around it with the use of a mysterious yarn ball. 


WASD for movement.
Scroll wheel to zoom.

Audio and music composed by Luisjakg and sebasgonvi.

The game is still at an early development phase, and requires tons polish. However, we hope you enjoy our jam submission and wreak havoc across the land.


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This looks good but there's one problem, because the score is a 32-bit integer, the maximum score is 2147483647. If I earn any higher, the number rolls over and becomes negative. Maybe fix it by changing it to a 64 bit or a float number? Thanks.